Rita’s Wrath


Rita slammed the Gulf Coast way early this morning. That can’t be a good thing, but what I’ve seen this morning on CNN and FoxNews leads me to believe that it’s much, much less devastation than what I was fearing.

Houston was spared. Galveston was largely spared. The sparse population probably means a much lower casuality cost. I’m sure there will be some damage to the oil industry, but it seems to be minor in comparison to what Katrina did a couple of weeks ago. In listening to an AM radio station out of Dallas Thursday night, it sounds like all the oil that passes through that part of the world has been turned off until Rita passes, which probably means shortages and higher prices until they are restarted sometime in the coming week.

It could’ve been a whole lot worse, and the fact that it wasn’t is something I’m so thankful for.

God be with you all in Texas and Louisiana.