E-Mail Posting Bugs

Well, I’d forgotten about some of the trials and tribs I’d found a year ago when I last set up e-mail posting.

One was for the dreaded NOOP that neither mail server I’ve run has liked. For that one, I changed class-pop3.php to have the NOOP look like this:

function noop () {
if($this->RFC1939) {
if(!isset($this->FP)) {
$this->ERROR = _("POP3 noop:") . ' ' . _("No connection to server");
return false;
} else {
$cmd = "NOOP";
$reply = $this->send_cmd( $cmd );
return( $this->is_ok( $reply ) );

The second had to do with weird things that happened when there was no mail to process. For that, I changed wp-mail.php:

# if (0 == $count) die(__('There doesn’t seem to be any new mail.'));
if (0 == $count) {
print 'There doesn’t seem to be any new mail.';

The last thing I noticed today as I used the new functionality was that entries had the wrong time — an hour earlier than clock time. I’m still working on that one!

These seem to have quietened things down, and that’s a good thing…