This morning has the new Canon 30D body showing up on their website.
My initial reaction is…. so what?
In truth, it appears that there’s not a ton of differences between the 20D and the 30D. A tweak here and there, but essentially the same camera. I have to say that I’m not hugely surprised. DPReview has a nice article detailing some of the differences.
With the 5D just coming out late last year, I was pretty sure Canon wouldn’t infringe on its turf by increasing the pixel density on the 30D. And, given the 1Ds out there, they couldn’t speed up the 20D frame speed.
To me, the 30D is a funny beast. It does make a few things nicer than the 20D, but I don’t see folks upgrading from the 20D to the 30D. Maybe if I didn’t already have two Canon EOS bodies, then I’d think about it….. 🙂