Tag Archives: sushi

Valentine’s Day

Tonight, Darla and I had a great Valentine’s Day dinner at Sapporo Sushi. This is the second year that we’ve spent our February 14th at Sapporo, and once again, they prepared way more sushi than any mere mortal should possibly attack.

It’s funny how these little things become traditions. True, we’re only two years into our relationship with Sapporo, but it’s because of Becky that I’ll eat sushi at all. I’ve always loved seafood, but it took Becky kidnapping me about a decade ago, and starting me down the dark side of sushi.

Now, I’m a sushi fiend. I haven’t found too many sushi-related items that I don’t care for, and I’ve even said that I’d be willing to try blowfish. Something about food that fights back by potentially killing you has some appeal for me.

Wait — I was talking about Valentine’s Day, not sushi.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Darla. Here’s to a boatload more.