Tonight, I had a fine dinner with Darla’s friends — it was the Vet Assistant’s birthday, and a group of us gathered at Houlihan’s to celebrate. Great food — ate too much, of course.
The Pet Groomer was part of the entourage. Now, she has been great to us in taking care of Molly and Emma, but she is good in little doses. Anyway, I discovered that she is a fan, and apparently has been for a while and is a regular at Archon. I realized, though, why I don’t really have a great deal of interest in getting back in fandom: some of the people are just plain annoying in large doses, and have a few too many stories to tell.
When I went to cons, it always seemed that there was someone with a bigger story — more important person met, bigger amount of food eaten, larger pool of vomit awakened in — and that kind of oneupsmanship never did much for me. Add to that a large portion of sexual intellectual (“f***ing know-it-all”), and there’s a recipe for annoyance. At least to me, anyway.
The Pet Groomer had large amounts of these qualities — and more — and thanks to her, I think I know why fandom doesn’t hold quite the luster for me that it once did.