Category Archives: General

Stuff I haven’t put elsewhere… yet!

Welcome to Canapeel!

For a decade, I’ve been jotting little notes in Phydeaux’ Deauxmayne.  It was a name I’d carried forward from a fanzine I published in the 80s, and I loved the play between the pronunciation and spelling.  However, I was ready for a change.

The last six months have been full of loads of change for me.  The catalyst was my surviving colon cancer in December.  After that, I started making some changes, trying to simplify my life, and trying to improve my health.  I’ve begun running, and have tried to follow a better diet.  I’ve also shuttered my photography business, retiring photography to a hobby for me, rather than a chore.  And lastly, I’ve been playing my guitars… a lot.

As part of that overall simplification, I felt like having two online presences didn’t make a lot of sense, especially since one of them had become a “cob-web site” (as my brother once told me).  So, enter Canapeel.

What’s Canapeel?

Well, it’s a term my wife’s used for years to refer to a meal made of whatever you can find and cook on your own.  It’s a noun, it’s a verb.  I call Canapeel!

And since I write about so many different things, Canapeel made a ton of sense.  So there.  🙂

My Fight with Cancer, or, I Don’t Like Mondays

So… you may have wondered where the Deauxmayne has been for the last few months. Well, here’s the tale.

Becky told me last year that the two toughest sentences to say are:

– I have cancer.
– My spouse has cancer.

Each of us gets to carry one of those sentences with us now. Some of you already know the story of this winter. If you don’t, hang on for the ride. 🙂

Cancer was never a word that I thought I’d have to personally deal with. My self-image has been the seventeen-year-old lanky kid that I was once was, with mild disappointment to follow whenever I’d look in the mirror.

My father fought cancer, twice. The first time, he fought throat cancer, brought on from decades of smoking. The second and final time, he fought lung cancer, eventually succumbing to it just days before his 62nd birthday.

I’ve always distanced myself from smoking, and despite carrying excess weight, I thought that I was healthy enough to minimize the spectre of cancer in my life, especially as I journeyed through my forties.

There was no way for to realize just how wrong I was.

I first had some signs that I didn’t like — some bleeding — in November. I carried this with me for a while, trying to rationalize it as being caused by spicy food, or some other thing that I could control. After a few weeks, I mentioned it to Becky, who set me up with an appointment to meet with my primary physician (Dr. Reh) the Monday after Thanksgiving (11/28). Dr. Reh didn’t like what he saw, and walked me over to an gastroenterologist (Dr. Heavey) who scheduled me on the spot for a colonoscopy for the following Monday (12/5). For those of you who’ve had an colonoscopy, you know the fun that comes the day before the test. For those of you who haven’t… well, let’s just say that I’m pretty sure I saw some of the meals eaten by my ancestors. 🙂 It wasn’t the most horrible thing in the world, but it was pretty dang demanding of my energy.

So Monday, I had the scope done. I was terrified about the anesthesia — I haven’t really had any kind of real anesthesia since I was about four years old, and had all kinds of misconceptions about what that might be like. The nurse anesthesist told me what she would do, and assured me that I wouldn’t know that anything had happened. As it ends up (HA!), it was really no big deal, and by the time I was awakening in the recovery room, it was obvious that I was way concerned about the procedure for no reason.

After the procedure, Dr. Heavey came to talk with us. They had found a tumor in the lower part of my colon, less than 2″ in size. They’d also done a little additional “spring cleaning” while in there, but the tumor was the thing to focus on. Dr. Heavey called it a “Good News Day.” Even though the news wasn’t the news he’d prefer to give me, the good part was that this was found so early, and that I had paid attention to the symptoms, reported them, and starting looking into what was going on. He said if I’d waited another six months or a year, we might be having a very different conversation. He believes that the surgeon (Dr. Pastrana) would remove a small part of my colon via a laperoscopic procedure, likely before the end of the year. Five days in the hospital, a little pain management, and that would be that. No colostomy bags, no chemotherapy, and no long-term effects. And, Dr. Heavey said that he didn’t think this looked like it had leached out of the area it was in. Frankly, I didn’t really hear much of this conversation. My head was focused on the one word I didn’t want to hear: tumor. I simply couldn’t get past that possibility of it being cancer.

We came home, and I surfed all over the NIH and ACS sites, looking for facts… survival rates, diet, and any other details that might help me put this event into a little box in my head. I didn’t do too well with that exercise, but it was something to do aside from brooding over the hand I’d possibly just been dealt.

Tuesday (12/06) brought the biopsy results, and they were positive. The tumor was cancerous. As devastated as I was Monday night, I was crushed on Tuesday. Dr. Heavey’s office scheduled me for a CT scan the following Monday to take a look at my abdomen and pelvis to make sure there was nothing else going on.

So, for the early part of that first week after my diagnosis, I was in a haze, trying to figure out how to talk about this, how to manage and compartmentalize this diagnosis… and I was failing miserably. I asked Becky to call Dr. Heavey’s office and ask why we didn’t have an oncologist overseeing all this work. I mean I had cancer, so wasn’t an oncologist part and parcel of that diagnosis? After her conversation, I began to get a very different picture in my head.

This is how I rationalized it… no doctor confirmed my view of this, but here’s how I coped. If someone is discovered with early skin cancer, you might have a dermatologist remove the diseased cells, do a CT scan to make sure nothing else is going on, and if everything’s clean, you just go on. There’s no “cancer team” assigned to you. You just stop, chop and move on. Between the conversation with Dr. Heavey, Becky’s conversation with his staff, and my coming to understand that maybe this wasn’t as petrifyingly big as I thought, I had a okay end to my first week with cancer.

Later in the week, there were some really great days — my appetite returning Wednesday after either the shock of the news or the anesthesia wore off, for example — and bad days where I simply couldn’t get past the words in the diagnosis. That was gonna happen, and I knew that. But I was buoyed, knowing that I had assembled a great team, cheering me on, praying, and doing Herculean things to keep my spirits up.

And this is where a little hint of the divine came in. (Bear with me.) I had been thinking about a new amplifier for my guitars, and had talked with my brother about the Carvin amp line, asking about pricing and capabiities. The next time I talked with him, he told me one was on the way, courtesy of him and the folks at Carvin. I was floored. I was more floored when it came in on Monday night. I was struggling, wondering what the news would be from the CT scan, and I was in desperate need of a distraction. The arrival of the new amp and cabinet was just what I needed to keep my mind away from the “what if” questions that permeated my thoughts.

On Monday (12/12), I had the CT scan done. I don’t remember having one of those before. Once again, there were eating restrictions prior to the test — although no cleansing, thank goodness! — but gone are the days of the awful tasting contrast solution. Mine was mixed into a couple of bottles of Crystal Light, consumed across an hour’s time. And frankly, the procedure was pretty easy. You just lay there, with a gigantic spinning toroid encircling you, along with the machine telling you when to breathe or hold your breath.

And then finally, there was good news on Wednesday (12/14). There was nothing unusual found on the CT scan! And with that, everything was in place for my surgery — a laperoscopic sigmoid colectomy.

Becky and I met Dr. Pastrana on Friday (12/15), and were very impressed. He had a terrific demeanor, and made both of us feel comfortable with what was coming next. Unfortunately, that meant another Sunday “cleansing”, but it was necessary, so I walked that nasty road one more time.

I entered the hospital for my surgery on Monday (12/19). I was scared, but was feeling the presence of God, calming me. I wasn’t nearly as concerned about the anesthesia this time, and when it came time for my “happy hour cocktail”, I was content to drift away, knowing I was in good hands.

I woke up in recovery, and was wheeled to my room. Frankly, I don’t remember much about that little ride, except that I was thirsty. Of course, given that part of my bowel had just been removed, they didn’t want much in me, so for that Monday, it was ice chips for a while. I had great nurses throughout this first day in the hospital, and it just seemed like they were all picked specifically for me.

When Tuesday morning came, it was time for the removal of my catheter. I had a long-time nurse doing the removal, and I was thankful it wasn’t some young gal. Somehow, it just made me feel more comfortable knowing that my nurse had done more than a few of these. And while the removal didn’t hurt, it was the weirdest thing I’ve eve felt in my life. And my reward at the end of that? A cup of Sierra Mist soda! It was wonderful to actually drink something, and be out of the ice chips. Meals were soft foods — soups and Jell-O — on Tuesday, but I was happy to gobble up whatever they put in front of me.

Wednesday, we got to meet with Dr. Pastrana to hear the details of what was found. The tumor was a “T1 M0 N0”. Definitely cancer, but no spreading to other organs or to the lymph nodes, which was the best news we could possibly get. I had dodged a big, big bullet, through reporting my symptoms, early and rapid diagnosis, and an agressive approach to eliminating my tumor. I figured I would be back frequently for follow-up scopings, but Dr. Pastrana comment was stunning. His comment was that I wouldn’t see this again, and that for purposes of this cancerous event, I was cured. There would be no need to have another colonoscopy until I turn 50 in a couple of years. Wow.

And that’s the moral of this story. You see something, you say something. When you’re supposed to get “routine” tests, you get them done. I was too young to be getting colonoscopies, and was fortunate enough to have a symptom that let us know something was up. I have a “happy ending” to my cancer story as a result of that.

Christmas came, and went, and my three incisions were healing. Or so we thought.

A couple of days after Christmas, I began running a crazy fever, riding the roller coaster of “too hot” and “too cold”. Dr. Pastrana wanted me to visit the ER, in case it was pneumonia. On Tuesday (12/27), we hit the ER, and after another CT scan, an EKG, a chest x-ray, and an afternoon of sitting around, they didn’t really find anything definitive, but sent me home with some antibiotics.

Friday (12/30), we had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Pastrana, and as soon as he looked at my large incision, he knew I had a problem. It was infected, badly, and would require surgery the next morning to drain it. He took a sample in the office, which we later learned contained both staph and e.coli — I had hit the infection lottery.

I was rolled in a wheelchair from Dr. Pastrana’s office to my hospital room, which was right next door to the room I was in for my previous surgery. My first night in the hospital was a horrible one. The small hole created by Dr. Pastrana’s tools to pull the fluid sample from the infection wouldn’t really close up, and caused me to leak fluids — a lot of fluids — all night. I had folks changing bandages all night, changing my bed and trying to keep me calm through the whole thing. It was just awful.

Finally, around 5am on Saturday, I was rolled to surgery. I was scared, not knowing what would be discovered in surgery. I lay in my surgical bed, awaiting the surgical staff’s arrival, and began praying. I was amazed to get this almost visual sensation of a bright green net descending upon me, protecting me and soothing my nerves. I was ready for what lay ahead. Dr. Pastrana came in the room (it was his day off), and performed the rather quick surgery to drain the abscess. I awoke in recovery again, and was eventually rolled back to my room. Dr. Pastrana came by to tell me what he’d done and found. The large incision is the one through which some nasty stuff was pulled out during my first surgery, and it apparently grabbed hold of something ugly during that procedure. The infection started deep, and worked its way to the surface, which is why it took so long for anyone to figure it out. And because it started deep, I had a deep “crater” in me. The good news was that the infection was limited to my abdominal wall, and hadn’t spread to anything in my abdominal cavity. Once again, I had dodged a really big bullet.

For the next few days in the hospital, I had twice daily dressing changes. The staff was putting six feet of gauze inside me. Yeah, I said feet. I felt like I was one of those magicians’ tricks, where the magician pulls a seemingly never-ended string of scarves from his pocket! I had two cavities, approximately 3-4 inches deep, into which the staff threaded six feet of gauze to force the wound to stay open, while healing from the bottom. The first day my dressing was changed, I was given morphine to help with the pain. While the deep interior wasn’t hurting, the surface was excrusiating at times. It was as though someone was plucking at me with tweezers — intense pain, but short duration.

On Wednesday (01/04), we began working toward my release from the hospital again. We met the “wound nurse” who set us up with a wound treatment machine to carry home with us. This machine would remain on me for three weeks, 24×7, with twice weekly gauze changes, similar to those in the hospital. The home health care folks that took care of me did a wonderful job, making me as comfortable as you can be with someone removing and inserting so much gauze twice a week. This ensured that my wound healed quickly, healing from the bottom. And between the nurses and the little machine, I was blessed with quick healing.

In three weeks time, my cavities went from four inches deep to ¼” deep, at which point I was able to return the machine, and just use regular bandages to keep my wound covered. And by the end of February, I no longer needed bandages. I’m still amazed at just how quickly a wound of that size and depth could heal.

Now I’m back to work after two months of sick leave, and a winter that I’ll never forget.

What everyone reading this should know, though, is that fighting cancer is a team sport. And my team reached out their hands to help me up out of the muck. And that is the single simple truth about fighting this. I know now that no mattter what the road looks like ahead of me, I am supported by the shoulders of some of the strongest people I’ve ever known, and with that kind of support beneath me, and God’s support from on high, how can I possibly fall to something like cancer.

So why would I finally write about this? Well, I really believe that I was brought through all these events for a reason. If I can encourage someone to be checked out, or have hope in their battle, then my battle has some value.

But also, today is an anniversary. As of today, I have been cancer-free for ninety days… and counting!

Pounding on My Face

I’ve probably mentioned somewhere in all my nattering that I was going through the process of getting an implant to replace a tooth I cracked in half back in 2009. In December (I think), we finally got the implant landed — not the most fun process in the world. Several checkups and x-rays, and things looked ok… until last week.

Last week was to have been the final checkup. In this one, the oral surgeon was checking the implant with something not far off of a torque wrench. Presumably, that was to check that the implant was gonna stay in place before inserting a permanent post in there, and a crown atop that post. She cranks on it, and then she says “That’s not good” followed by “It failed”. Ugh.

What that means is that the implant — apparently — didn’t survive the torque test, and unscrewed right out of my jaw. After looking at the x-rays, her and dentist decided I needed a bone graft to build up jawbone to help hold the next implant attempt in place. Yesterday, we did the graft.

While it wasn’t the most miserable process in the world — although there was still some mallet-on-skull action this time ’round — the aftermath has been much worse. A ton more swelling, and a lot more pain. To put it in perspective… when the implant was installed, I was hurting for just a few hours, and I only had to take pain meds once. With this thing, I’m coming up on 24 hours of pain meds, and am still hurting. This isn’t uncommon, as they have to really stretch the gum to take all the new bone material that’s been inserted. That gets pretty aggravated, and it certainly isn’t shy about letting me know.

Not a fun way to spend Tax Day!!!!

Spending the Evening with the Pioneer Woman

Mom alerted me a few weeks ago that The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, was gonna visit St. Louis to promote her new book. Mom wanted a signed copy of that new book, Black Heels and Tractor Wheels.

Last night, Ree visited the St. Louis County Library headquarters, and Sio and I headed down there about an hour early to get in line. There were already scores of folks in line, so we schluffed our way over to the crowd, and got a line ticket for group number five. We chatted with some of the other folks in line — the gal in line behind us drove down from Des Moines to see this — and it was quickly evident that I was of a minority chromosomal composition. I bet there were 20-30 gals for every guy in the crowd.

Ree Drummond (and fans)
Ree Drummond (and fans)

We were let in, found some seats, and waited for Ree to take the stage. She was entertaining, albeit nervous, and led a quick Q&A before getting to the business of signing books and meeting her fans. Our group finally went back for a meet and greet after ninety minutes or so. I happened to noticed that there were still quite a few folks waiting for their groups to go. While we stood in the “short line”, we talked with the folks managing the event, and learned that there were about 700 folks there — we were in group five, and the folks just coming in were in group thirteen. I’d be willing to bet those folks didn’t get in for signing until way after 10pm.

When our turn came, we met Ree — nice gal — got our photo taken with her, and our books signed. I reminded her of my arch image that I submitted last year during one of her photo contests, and both her and her assistant remembered it. That’s pretty cool.

And, of course, we got what we went there for… a copy of Ree’s book, signed for Mom…

Coolness from Adobe

Today, Adobe announced that the release of Photoshop CS5 is imminent. That’s cool.

What’s even cooler is that it looks like Adobe has now created a path for upgrades from CS4 Extended to CS5 regular version. That is waaaay cool! I bought the Extended version a while back — CS3, I think — and have found that I’m really not using the “extended” parts. The downside was that there was no real way to upgrade numeric versions from a downlevel Extended to an uplevel non-Extended version.

Now, it appears that Adobe has solved that little problem, and all is happy in the Deauxmayne!

Happy New Year!

For the first time in a long time, I not only stayed up until midnight hit the ol’ Midwest, but we were actually out and about during the event.

Last night, six of us went to Stoney River for a late dinner. We’d gone there a couple of years ago for Beck’s birthday (big snow that night!), and really enjoyed the place. Big food, albeit pricey, and treatment like you’d expect for the ticket price. Steak, lobster tempura and some 30-year old tawny port… wonderful. We kept hanging around, telling stories, and around 11.40, one of the waitstaff asked if we were staying around until midnight. Why? Well, the house was buying a round of champagne for all of us that were hanging around. Cool. We finally left around 12.30, and made it home and were tucked in bed by 1am. Quite a night.

So did I make any resolutions? Well, a couple came to mind, but they don’t bear repeating here. I’d rather look toward the things I’m thankful for from 2009: family, job, freedom. All good. I figure with those in my hip pocket, everything else is gravy.

Happy Easter

Darla and I took a spin toward Babler State Park for an Easter sunrise service. I’d not been to a sunrise service before, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Add to that that the service was delivered outside my own denominational orientation, and that added a bit of trepidation to the pot.

Despite the 35-degree weather — offset by some hot chocolate — the service was terrific. The sun just crested the hill behind the preacher as the service ended. Simply beautiful.

Follow that up with the best chicken-fried steak I’ve ever had, combined with the all the wonderful gifts of life represented by the celebration of Easter, and this Sunday was indeed a good Sunday.

A Kinder, Gentler Workweek

Today marks a new phase in my day job. I begin working 4×10 this week.

For me, this isn’t really much of a change. Up to now, I’ve generally arrived around 6:30am, and started trying to leave around 4:00pm (with mixed success). Now, it’s 6:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Thursday.

Aside from occasionally being able to sleep late on Friday, this should buy me an extra shooting day each week, along with time for post-processing. This is key, as I have trouble finding time for post on weeknights or once the crush of the weekend starts. Friday will be somewhat insulated for me, with few folks roaming around in the places I’d like to shoot, and nothing at home to distract me from post work.

In theory, anyway…!