The Dodgers were absolutely unstoppable tonight — or, more appropriately, Jose Lima is a machine! 🙂
Lima put on one of the best pitched games I’ve seen in quite a while, and I’m not at all surprised that LA came out of the gates with something to prove to thier home crowd. It had been almost sixteen years since their last playoff victory, and on the brink of elimination this year, I expect they had a great deal to prove to their fans and themselves.
Sunday brings Perez to the mound for LA, whom we knocked out after about two innings in game one. Of course, he could be fired up, and make for a very long day at the ballpark for the Cards. Then again, the Cards could have some confidence against him, and hit the ball well.
We shall see, eh?
As for their opponent, it sure looks like Houston is gonna be the other half of this equation in the NL. I don’t like that thought, and I am really rooting for the Braves to come from behind and win their series. I just don’t like our chances against the Astros!
And, the Yankees and BoSox will be meeting come Tuesday. That will be the series to watch — those guys just hate each other! 😉