MS 150

As you’ve probably noticed, the sidebar of the site has a new item. I’ve joined the MS 150 bike run in Columbia MO come September.

This is a sponsored ride, and if you feel so inclined, you can visit my MS 150 web page link in the sidebar, and donate to support this worthy cause.

This is a terrific thing for me. I’m thrilled that I can use my newly rediscovered legs for something useful, and it’ll give me the opportunity to try a long ride with appropriate support every ten miles or so. Right now, I’m thinking I’ll try the 75 mile ride on Saturday, and slim down to the 35 mile ride on Sunday…. unless Saturday goes extremely well, in which case I might try another 75 mile ride.

Of course, the real winner here is the MS Society, and I’m thrilled to be part of a labor of love as this is.

I’ve even ordered a team jersey to make it official! 🙂