New Gear: Seagate 750GB Internal SATA HDD

One of my photographer-friends lost almost a whole wedding shoot this past week. I’ve been trying to help her recover her photos, which appear to have been lost due to a faulty card reader. It hasn’t been a fun week for her.

However, that got me to thinking about storage and backups of my images. I mean, that’s my bread and butter, and what I wanna make my hobby/career/obsession. At several MB an image, and tens of thousands of images a year, storage and backups become a big, big deal.

Having the fear of data loss pounded into me this week, I decided to pick up a second drive for the Quad, and landed on a Seagate 750GB internal. BestBuy had external drives for $20 less, but I wanted the higher speed of SATA, as compared to Firewire 400, for dealing with my big images.

So how does that handle my backup issues? Well, it doesn’t. However, I’ve got a device due in at the end of the week that will help address that problem. Stay tuned….. 🙂