As I tried to update the photo site with RapidWeaver, I noticed that RW wouldn’t ftp my changed site up. As it ends up, there’s some kind of problem with RW on Leopard. However, the good folks at RealMac Software have posted a beta version of RW that seems to correct that. Chalk one up for the good guys.
However, I’ve noticed something new with Safari 3. Both the photo site and this humble blog are not loading completely with Safari 3 under Leopard. It appears that the problem is with images being sent down the line, and it might even be specific images. I don’t know if the problem is with those particular images served from my server, or the images themselves. Firefox has no problems, and Safari 2 under Tiger has no problems rendering the pages. I’ll have to keep an eye on this one, as it’s growing a little painful here and there.
Stay tuned….