Tag Archives: Blue Angels

Photos of the Week: Blue Angels

I’d promised getting some of the Blue Angels images from the St. Louis County Fair posted. Tonight, I’m delivering four of those images. 

The first, Angels Delta captures the Blue Angels in a delta formation, overhead and in a turn. 

Angels Delta
Angels Delta

The second, Angels Diamond, was also taken at the fair as the Blue Angels flew overhead. 

Angels Diamond
Angels Diamond

The third, Gear Down, shows the underbelly of one of the Blue Angels aircraft as it comes in to land. 

Gear Down
Gear Down

The last, Slow Diamond, captures the Blue Angels flying low and slow in a diamond formation. 

Slow Diamond
Slow Diamond

All these images are available in a variety of sizes. Please visit my sales gallery on Zenfolio if you are interested in purchasing any of the airshow images.