Tag Archives: DSLR

The First Five Digital Years

Having just wrapped up getting all the images from 2008 up and posted, it’s dawned on me that 2008 was my fifth full year shooting with a DSLR. I started down this path in April 2003, when I put my Canon 10D around my neck, and I’ve never looked back. I still don’t shoot nearly as much as when I first got the 10D — that year, I ran over 20,000 frames through the 10D — but 2008 saw me shooting more than I had since 2005, and that’s a really good thing.

In those five years, Becky and I have travelled many, many, many miles over land (as well as a few trip via air) to get the shots that you see here and on colin-wright.com. We’ve driven long haul trips to Colorado (2003), the desert southwest (2004), the Outer Banks (2005), Yosemite NP (2005), Smokey Mountain NP (2006) and Glacier NP/Yosemite NP (2008). We’ve taken short jaunts to Suck Creek Mountain many, many times, along with short trips to the Lake of the Ozarks and other close-by destinations. We’ve flown to Jamaica (2002 and 2003) and the Dominican Republic (2006). Through all this travel, I’ve had a Canon DSLR body nearby, and have captured so many of the wonders we’ve seen as we’ve been fortunate enough to travel.

Five years of going down this path has netted a treasure-trove of almost 75,000 images. There’s not a time that I stroll through our images without finding an image that suddenly captures my imagination. It’s been a great ride.

With that in mind, I’d like to start working on a photo book and collection, documenting some of the highlights of my first five digital years, with the expectation to get it printed/published toward late summer. At this point, this is just an idea in my head so I don’t have any details, but watch for more info here as I start nailing down some of the details.