Many times, in fact. I gave up on the Cardinals loads of times this season. It seemed like every time I gave up, they did something to shine, and I started having hope again, only to have it dashed by some awful loss.
But now, we’re off to the World Series. Unbelievable!
I’ve gotta admit, I’m worried about facing Texas. Those guys can really score some runs…
It always seems like we look at baseball — my favorite pastime — through a filter of time. It’s measured in terms of records, how long they stand, and the parade of aged heroes, revelling in the wonderful accomplishments of youth. And with the resurgence in throwback architecture in recently built ballparks, the haze of time is thicker than ever. Yes, new records are being set and broken, and re-set, and the heroes we’ll talk about seeing in their prime are still playing the game I love so much. The game, though, is a reminder that although there’s clock in baseball, baseball lives by the passage of time.
can·a·peel (noun) ˈkan-ə-pēl – A meal with a lot of variety, where each participant finds and cooks their own food.