I’d been thinking about a GPS for a while, with the goal of geocaching, and finding (hopefully) another path for some exercise.
After looking around, I finally settled on the Garmin 60CS. Why? Well, I don’t know that there’s a definitive answer. It’s got a TFT color screen, a real quadfiliar antenna (instead of a patch antenna), and features specific for geocaching. Add to this a USB interface, ability to have external power and antenna, and suddenly, this thing starts to look really good.
I put it in Smokey (the TrailBlazer), and tracked my journeys today. With it just sitting in the cupholder, it easily saw enough satellites to keep my journey intact and with reasonable resolution. Fun, fun, fun.
It has more bells and whistles than I can master quickly, but I think I’ll have fun trying. This little beast is nice!