Disk Space, The Final Frontier

Last week, there was an article in one of my dailies about recovering space on your Mac by ridding the machine of unwanted/unneeded/unused stuff.  The article is part of Metrobilly, and looks very promising.

The piece at Metrobilly pointed me to a terrific screen saver from Japan, and far better than anything else I’m running.  That screen saver is at Futurismo Zugakousaku, and is well worth bringing down.

It also pointed me to a disk mapping utility that looks dynamite.  Terribly graphical, and very intuitive, Disk Inventory X is helping me spot the hogs on the drive, and deal with them.  I mean, I’ve had this new machine since December, and I’ve already consumed 440Gb of the 500Gb primary drive.  Every once in a while, I think it’d be good to put a second drive in there, but it’s much more economical to just clean up what I have!  🙂