“Thanks for the peek into your work. It’s great and we’d love to feature you
in our space.”
And with those words, I have been booked into the first exhibit of my photography. I’m so excited I could just pop!
Lenny had pointed me to the owner of a local coffee shop, the Stage Left Espresso Bar and Cafe, whom I e-mailed last week. Lenny is always looking for places to show his work, and has been trying to give me the proverbial kick in the seat to get my work exhibited. Being that I’m still a bit shy about my work, he’s been trying to throw me some opportunities, and this was one.
Tonight I received an e-mail to let me know that she would like to exhibit my work for the month of August. The whole month! To say I’m excited is probably the grandest understatement of the century! Watch the sidebar for more information about the exhibit as I fill in the holes about the engagement.
Anyone who’s read my blog for any length of time knows that I really credit my father for kindling my passion for photography both in life and death. Dad was at one time a commercial photographer, and had been taking photos for all my life. It was only after he was gone that I found the torch he carried, and began hoisting it up on my own.
So it’s very meaningful to me that my first exhibit will encompass the date that would’ve been his 66th birthday (August 18th). I can think of no finer expression of my appreciation for his wonderful gift of photography than to honor him by holding this exhibit.
This one’s for you, Dad.