As promised, the last 24 hours have seen a huge change in The Lou.
Yesterday, we were up to 71°, but there was an obvious change on the way. This was the last day in a string of days that had us 15-20° above normal with the threat of a BIG winter storm headed our way for today. Well, they were right. We’ve dropped to 25° and have a half-inch of ice on the ground, planning for 2″ of sleet tonight, and then 5-9″ of snow overnight here with pockets of 12-20″ not too far away.
So, the Company cut us loose officially at 3pm (although Darla and I made a smarter move and left about 2.30pm). That was smart, but the roads were already nasty by then. Our normal 25-30 minute commute took about an hour…. and that’s before the really bad stuff and really heavy traffic hit the streets. Frankly, I’d be surprised if we even try to go in tomorrow.
And tonight, the low will be 21° with the high tomorrow below freezing and a low tomorrow of 12° in the city — that’ll mean about 5-8° out here in the sticks. It just ain’t gonna get any better for a couple of days.