Earlier this week, Moose posted something on his blog about putting some shiny new Crucial memory in his machine. As chance would have it, I’m doing the same thing.
My Little Black MacBook will be getting an overhaul tonight, going from 1GB to 2GB RAM from OWC. I pined MUCHO over 2GB vs 3GB, but at the end of the day, decided to take the less expensive route, and will wait for 2GB SO-DIMMs to come down below $250/pc. OWC’s got a neat deal where I can send my old memory to them for a rebate — that keeps me from having to squirrel around with finding a buyer for my old sticks. Kinda cool.
So tonight, I’ll be doing some Photoshop testing with CS2 (under Rosetta) on the new real estate, and see how things work. I can’t wait to see how (and if) it helps. It’s certainly a step on my move toward a mobile Apple environment for me, and toward obsoleting the Quad.