Apple Gains Leopard Spots

Today is the global release of OS X 10.5, AKA “Leopard”. There’s been talk about this release for many months, along with some gnashing of teeth that the release was rumoured to be delayed due to realignment of resources to finish the iPhone on time. From everything I’ve read so far, this sure looks like a real nice upgrade to the OS. Of course, there are folks that are curious why there’s so much hoopla for a dot-release, but with Apple, dot-releases seem to be more like major releases. There’s a ton of changes, additional functionality and lots of “prettiness” added.

My copy is pre-ordered, and per the Apple pre-order info, it’s supposed to be waiting for me when I get home today. However, FedEx reports that the box is just leaving Memphis this morning, with a delivery date of tomorrow. Not the end of the world, but I really wanted to get started tonight!!!

Instead of dashing home tonight to possible shipping disappointment, I plan to go to the global release event at one of our Apple stores. I’ve never been to something like that, and I thought it might be interesting. I plan to take a few photos (surprise, surprise), and revel in the geekstosterone that that will be flowing by the bucketload. Aside from just soaking up the ambiance of a rock-n-roll style event, I actually wanna see some of the demos of Leopard, and see if there’s anything I can learn before I start my upgrades.

The only upgrade-related thing I’m kinda concerned about is the print driver for my Epson R1800. When I checked over the weekend, a Leopard driver was not yet available for my printer — one was posted yesterday however. I’ve gotta figure out whether this new driver works well, and if the print quality is appropriate. So, there’s a little experimentation on the docket for this weekend.

Beck’s gone most of the weekend to an gal-pal slumber party, so I’m sure I’ll have plenty of opportunity to play. Stay tuned for more as I go through the upgrade and testing process!