Race #73 – Day of the Dead Dash 2 5K

Yesterday, I simply didn’t wanna run.  I mean, not only did I not wanna run, I didn’t wanna get out the house.  It was chilly and overcast — which typically I love — which for some reason was just making me not wanna do it.

So, I tricked myself.

I took it one step at a time, and put on my running shorts.  I futzed around the house a little, and put on a running shirt.  A little while later, running socks and my new running shoes found their way to my feet, and by then, I had no excuses.  To the Greenway I went.

By  design, I only set out to walk.  I’m still trying to figure these shoes out, and I don’t wanna do something silly while I’m breaking them in. And walk I did, five kilometers of it.

What’s kinda interesting is that I notice that when I walk, it seems like the distance takes forever.  Now, my jogging speed is only about 60-90 secs/km faster than my walk speed — I don’t stress up too much on speed.  🙂  However, when I jog or run, my brain gets fooled, and it thinks the distance is going by much faster.  So, on a day when I didn’t even wanna go out, I muscled through a walk that felt like it took forever.

I’ve said this a lot — done is done.  And I was happy to put more miles under my feet and on the new shoes!

This race benefitted Agent Outerwear’s Giving Event.

Race Course

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