Category Archives: Weather

One of my favorite topics — beware the wall cloud!



Finally, the weather is a’ churning.

After promises of storms on the coast two weeks ago, and promises of storms here this weekend, it finally looks as though we may have storms tonight. Listening to AM radio on the way home, you could hear the crackle of the lightning, and looking at the maps leads me to believe we’ve got big stuff building.

Now, the challenge may be that we are on the SW edge of the system, so our exposure may be kinda limited. Still, it’d be great to see some of God’s electrical work this evening. I really do enjoy it!

Why do I care? I wanna shoot some lightning! I’ve been skunked this year, with only one decent storm to shoot, and I can hear my 20D calling out to the lightning bolts, daring them to present themselves.

C’mon storms, c’mon lightning!

Last Snow?

This morning, we awoke to two inches of snow. Somewhat unexpected, since there was only call for a trace overnight. I would imagine this is the last real snow of the season.

The world was beautiful with this quiet layer of heavy, wet snow shrouding everything in the silence that is winter. I grabbed my camera, grabbed some images from the house, and threw my gear in the truck, shooting images as I drove down the backroads to work.

Along the way, the trees were glistening as the sun came up, and made for such a beautiful scene. I’m glad I was up to see it, for by lunch, it had all melted, and by the evening drive, there was no sign at all that a beautiful snowfall had graced us early this morning.

Build the Arks!

Here in Saint Louis, it’s been raining. And raining. And raining. And raining.

Monday, it was 2.5″ of rain. Yesterday, 1.5″, and today it has rained another 2.5″. All with the temperature mockingly close to freezing — mostly in the mid to upper 30s, and occassional incursions into the 40s. We’ve had almost 7″ of rain here in the last three days — we average about 38″ annually — and it won’t end until sometime tonight or tomorrow.

How much snow would this have been? Four to six feet. Feet. I can’t even conceive of that much snow, having only ever seen 24″ on the ground at one time. That was 1993 or 1994 in Chattanooga — an amazing place to see that much snow! — which exceeded anything I saw in seven years in Omaha.

The drive in and back from work was nasty…. if you were in a car. My truck had no problems, and frankly, it was a lot of fun to splash about on the drowned roads. There’s lots of field flooding that crossed the roads, and there wasn’t a low valley I saw on my drive that wasn’t full of water. Daily, I have to dodge deer on my way to and from work. Today, I dodged fish! 😉


I haven’t written publicly about the tsunami that took place the day after Christmas. Frankly, nothing I could write would help anyone involved with the tragedy cope, nor would anything I could write would help me comprehend. This should be a time of herculean humanitarian efforts to help those millions in need, and those mammoth efforts are underway. I can’t remember mention of any greater human tragedy in the last several hundred years, and I couldn’t imagine any way that this horrible event could possibly be turned for anyone’s advantage.

Tonight, however, NBC News is reporting that an arabic media outlet (can’t remember if it was in print or television) blamed the earthquake and subsequent tsunami on nuclear testing from the United States, India and Israel. That someone could think that is incomprehensible to me. That someone could then parade that as truth is even harder for me to get my arms around. There’s even reports that this earthquake and tsunami are the fault of United States — as I understood the newscast tonight — because of our celebration of Christmas and “bad thoughts” toward arabs and/or muslims.

I am incensed. I am offended. And, most of all, I can’t believe that this level of hatemongering and inflammatory posturing is taking place in light of one of the worst human tragedies in a very, very, very long time. And to what end? Simply to stir the pot, and perhaps, incite someone to do something stupid on our soil.

I don’t care what your beliefs are in God, religion, politics, science, creation, abortion, operating systems or camera manufacturers are or are not — I do expect folks to act rationally, and to exercise their best side when faced with tragedy. I don’t expect folks to try to capitalize on human misery and tragedy, and I certainly can’t abide that.

To paraphrase Forrest Gump, that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

Let It Snow

And that’s a fine sentiment….. except that it’s not happening here. Points south and east of us got a foot of snow last night, and are bearing up for another foot of snow tonight. Two feet of snow!

While I love the snow, the down side is that we may have to drive through the dregs of the storm on Friday when we go to Mom’s. I guess I’ll need to collect a snowball or two and wing them at her when we get there! 🙂

Capturing the Beauty of God


Today, St. Louis was graced with our first snow of the year, and with it all the trials of traffic and travel that come with it. We started with rain all night — nearly two inches — and a quick changeover to large, weighty flakes around midday.

Denny and I went out for lunch, taking the TrailBlazer on its first romp through the freshly fallen (and falling) snow. I was speechless, as the beauty of the first snow of the season took my breath away with its wonderous awe-inspiring beauty.

After getting home, I shot the birds as they flocked to the newly hung feeders, and enjoyed watching the doves try to bully all the other birds away. Doves are apparently weigh just enough to occassionally make the Squirrel Flipper pivot, which caused a ruckus every time.

As night fell, it was obvoius that the only thing that was missing was a big bright moon to light up the snow. The clouds were thick, though, and I felt certain that would not happen tonight. With tomorrow’s warming, the snow would be gone, and the chance for a moonlit wonderland seemed lost.

However, Darla and I just finished watching a film, and in letting the dogs out, we discovered that the sky had cleared tremendously, and the full moon was brightly illuminating the landscape, and the stars were breaking the crystal clear crispness of the night sky. There just aren’t words to describe the beauty, and I don’t have the skills to capture the scene through my lens.

As Darla wrote to friend tonight, sometimes you can’t capture God’s beauty, you just have to experience it. Tonight was a night to experience.

Ivan the Terrible Strikes Again

Today, Ivan hit the southern gulf coast, and once again, I am hearing the names of places I’ve lived and worked devastated by Mother Nature.

And right behind that is Jeanne, and right behind that is the makings of Karl.

I can’t help but wonder if we aren’t doing something that is tipping the scales in favor of these big, monster storms dancing from Africa to North America.

Tonight’s sunset was beautiful, though, with the northwestern most limb of Ivan in our sky. No devastation here in Missouri, but I do feel for the folks in the South who are having to live through another round of hurricane remnants.

Near Miss

It looks like Jamaica was spared a direct hit by Ivan, and that is good news. It’s almost as though the island put up a shield and bounced the hurricane along the southern coast, until it cleared Negril, and continued its trek toward Cuba.

So, what made it do that? Water temperatures, maybe? I’m pretty sure there’s reefs around the island, and that could make for different water temperature.

Could it be winds blowing off the Blue Mountains? Dunno, but that could influence the storm’s path.

Regardless, the island still took on 155+ mph winds, and I’m sure it’ll be a disaster, but I’m equally sure that it’ll be less harmful than a direct hit.

Last night, Beck said prayers for the folks we met down, especially Faye whom we’ve seen on both trips. Kinda looks like they were answered.

Ivan the Terrible

Tonight, my lovely Jamaica is going to be bashed to bits — literally — by Hurricane Ivan. This is the third monster storm to walk through the Caribbean in the last month. Like the Charlie and Frances before it, Ivan also has a taste for Florida, and will likely strike an already battered Sunshine State around Monday.

I hate to think of Jamaica taking that hit though. Ivan is carrying sustained 145 mph winds, and stuff down there just isn’t built to deal with that. I have this horrible, horrible feeling that paradise will be lost for some time.

Now, the other side of this event is that a month or two from now, it’s likely that there will be some terrific deals trying to entice travellers back to the island. I wouldn’t mind being among them — despite not planning to go back this year. If the deals are terrific, I’d hate to pass them up. I’d guess the target is under $500 for a week (airfare included) at the Riu before I’d be tempted enough to start trying to work a deal.


I’d been wanting to add a current weather conditions piece to the blog, as I’ve always had a facination for weather events. I’d seen other sites display it, so I figured there was some way to do it.

While looking for something else on the WordPress support site, I stumbled upon a Weather Hack by Jeremiah (code is here). This was dirt-easy to implement, and really works well.

I also noticed another post by robertswift to cache the data automatically using a cron job, so grabbed the code from his site, and set up the cron job to get the weather once every 15 minutes. Nice piece of work.

All this, plus loads of other information on Weather Hack, can be found at the WordPress support site page here.

Enjoy the weather we’re enjoying, and let me know if there’s other goodies you see out on the wild, wild web that you’d like to see here.