Just an update on the “America” photo contest Ree Drummond was running over at The Pioneer Woman. The short answer is that my image didn’t take first place, but one of the two I expected might win did.
Frankly, I was just thrilled to have one my images selected as a daily finalist, and way thrilled to have been selected as an overall finalist. Very, very cool. And I netted a gift certificate to B&H Photo… Like I need more excuses to shop with them!!!
Today is the 4th of July — an ordinary day elsewhere in the rest of the world (well, except maybe for England), but celebrated here in the States as the anniversary of our independence. This year marks 234 years as an independent nation.
I intend to celebrate by visiting the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park today. I visited this park as a schoolkid, and thought it’d be nice on this day of historical significance to go see a chapter of our American history. I’m sure there’ll be photos later. 🙂
But speaking of photos… Ree Drummond — The Pioneer Woman — runs periodic photo contests, and the theme this week has been “America”. There are wonderful photos that have been submitted, and for the first time, one of my images was selected as daily group finalist, and now as an overall finalist. I’m thrilled to be a part of such a beautiful tapestry of iconic images of America. Check them out. They’re well worth the look.
With that, I’ll leave you with the image that’s hit the finals. Have a happy and safe fourth of July!

can·a·peel (noun) ˈkan-É™-pÄ“l – A meal with a lot of variety, where each participant finds and cooks their own food.