I returned to Shaw Nature Reserve today, this time taking Becky with me. We wandered around the Whitmire Wildflower Garden for a while, before walking up on this little pond. I really liked the way the gazebo reflected in the still waters, all being framed by the explosion of spring plants.
Tag Archives: pond
Project 365 : Self-Portrait in Pondscum
Casey, Rick and I wandered around Shaw Nature Reserve again this weekend. Along the way, I found this great pond with the most brilliant green scum atop it. While photographing something on the other end of the pond, I noticed that my shadow was creating a great-opportunity for a unique self-portrait in the early morning sun. A click later, I’d captured my shadow atop the green pondscum.
Photo of the Week: Memories of Fall
This week marks the beginning of a new feature here on the site. Each week, I’ll bring to light an image that is now available through my sales site on Yessy.
This week’s image is Memories of Fall. I travelled to Lone Elk State Park in autumn to take a look at the bison and elk herds that roam the hillsides of the park, and found a hill of trees next to the lake, all displaying magnificent fall colors. For some reason, the little grove of trees at lake’s edge grabbed my imagination, and I decided to set them off by taking the color away from the rest of the image. To me, the simple image reminded me of an old black and white image that had been hand-tinted to restore the color to the grove.

Memories of Fall is available in a variety of sizes. Please visit my sales gallery on Zenfolio if you are interested in purchasing Memories of Fall.