Coolness in the Deauxmayne


After trying for a couple of weeks to figure out some way to auto link photos for a given day to blog entries, I’ve finally stumbled on a solution.

First off, what didn’t work quickly: PHP, coding my own MT template, Javascript. All good solutions, but I’m too impatient. I would expect, in time, though, that this will migrate to a plugin.

Tonight, however, I stumbled upon an MT plugin called MTPerlScript from Brad Choate. This plugin allows to embed Perl in my templates. That means when I rebuild the site or post a new blogentry, Perl can quiery the system, figure out if there were photos for that day, insert the code and make it all nice and pretty.

So now, one of the final linkages I want between MT and JAlbum is complete.

This is really cool!