Yeah, I’m pissed. (And, my apologies to Pinkard & Bowden for appropriating the title of one of their albums — seems to fit the crowd my blog entertained today!)
Today I came home to find that some yahoo from an IP registered through RIPE spambombed the Deauxmayne. It was a clever approach, and I think it is someone doing the initial leg work manually. There were a couple of blank comments that seemed to be checking if they could leave visible comments. Their first two failed, probably because there was no comment text. They tried again a couple of times over the next few hours, with text this time, and found they could post. Then over 30 minutes, they generated over 110 comments, all filled with loads of spam links, and conveniently alphabetized.
Snoop first, then drop the bomb.
So, I’d recommend not trying to discuss drugs here. Comments with certain drugs mentioned will be dropped summarily, and I’ll never even see them. And, I’ll probably go to a challenge question to keep things interesting — probably one of those nifty graphic things that makes you enter the number you can see (but computers can’t read) in order to leave a comment.
Watch this space!