After almost 1300 miles of driving this week, we are back home. I love the travelling, but I also love being able to put myself in my own bed, snuggling up with Darla and the dogs.
We thought we were gonna run into some severe weather on the trip back. However, it was smooth sailing, with the exception of one little shower near Sikeston. And, of course, if we passed through Sikeston, we had to stop at Lamberts. As always, the food was delicious, filling, and voluminous! I still think they make the best mess of frog legs of anywhere I’ve ever been.
So, home we are, and home we’ll be for a while. There’s no new travels on the horizon, despite some background wanderlust that’s always thumping in the background of my life. I can’t watch anything that deals with the picturesque western US without getting the itch to get on the road, cameras in hand, and photograph more of this wonderful country I’ve been blessed to have been dropped into.