Race #98 – Festivus 5K

5km VirtYesterday was Festivus.

Unless you’ve watched a lot of Seinfeld, you may not know what Festivus is.  For those of you not “in the know”, here’s a graphic to help.

Festival (click to enlarge)

For almost two weeks, I’ve been tending a tender left knee, so I figured I would take it easy yesterday, and walk.  And not only did I walk, but I ranged far away from my normal path on the Greenway, and took the “White Trail”.  This trail wends through a beautiful neighborhood, and was amazing.

We’d gotten off work a little early, so I took advantage of the time, and made a mid-afternoon event out of my newly freed time.  I walked.  And walked.  And walked.  I was a tourist in my own town, seeing places and roads I’d never travelled before.  It was an awesome, relatively pain-free walk, and wasn’t too crazy slow.

And while this wasn’t the last event of my race year, it is the last one for a few days.  For all of you reading this, I hope your trails are how you like ’em — flat, hilly, snowy, clear, rainy — your shoes are comfy for the run, and the Big Guy brings you everything your heart desires.  And for those of you with a little 70s in you, remember that the Christmas we get, we deserve.  Merry Christmas!!!

Race Course