The family piled up into the Big Green Jeep, and took off for Shaw Nature Reserve today. This is the fourth trip I’d made there in the last few weeks, and I’m thoroughly enjoying watching spring spring forth from the ground.
Among all the new growth, I found this dandelion, and couldn’t resist photographing it. To me, the structure and detail of this little weeds are beautiful. There is so much going on in those little balls of fluff, and so much to see… as long as they’re not in my yard. 🙂

I returned to Shaw Nature Reserve today, this time taking Becky with me. We wandered around the Whitmire Wildflower Garden for a while, before walking up on this little pond. I really liked the way the gazebo reflected in the still waters, all being framed by the explosion of spring plants.

Casey, Rick and I wandered around Shaw Nature Reserve again this weekend. Along the way, I found this great pond with the most brilliant green scum atop it. While photographing something on the other end of the pond, I noticed that my shadow was creating a great-opportunity for a unique self-portrait in the early morning sun. A click later, I’d captured my shadow atop the green pondscum.

Playing a little catch up today… Yesterday, four of us went out to Shaw Nature Reserve to do some hiking and walking. The trails were great, with open prairie spaces, ponds, and great forests. At one point along the trail, I looked up and saw this great canopy of tall trees towering above me, and knew I had to capture them.
I took four images with my Canon 7D and Canon 10-22/3.5-4.5 lens, combined them in Photomatix and finished the image in Lightroom.
can·a·peel (noun) ˈkan-É™-pÄ“l – A meal with a lot of variety, where each participant finds and cooks their own food.