I’m still playing with my deconstructed electronics. This image is of the infrared LED from a remote control. I used my light table to illuminate the scene, which sure makes it easy on me!
I made this image with my Canon 7D and Canon MP-E 65/2.8 macro lens. A little cleaning up in Lightroom, and I was done.
Playing a little catch up today… Yesterday, four of us went out to Shaw Nature Reserve to do some hiking and walking. The trails were great, with open prairie spaces, ponds, and great forests. At one point along the trail, I looked up and saw this great canopy of tall trees towering above me, and knew I had to capture them.
I took four images with my Canon 7D and Canon 10-22/3.5-4.5 lens, combined them in Photomatix and finished the image in Lightroom.
Once again, I’ve missed a few days on my Project 365. Tonight, I return to a favorite subject — my father-in-law’s old Minolta film camera. This camera is a treasure trove of fun images. Tonight, I elected to focus on a simple front-on image of the lens. I love the gearing and the mechanical feel of this camera’s appearance.
I captured this image with my Canon 7D and Canon 100/2.8 macro lens, finishing it in Lightroom through some localized adjustments.
After a couple of days off The Project, it was time to get a little creative. I’ve been disassembling more electronics, and one of my latest conquests has been an XM Radio. The big screen on the thing intrigued me, and I thought it would be cool to transform it into the big screen of a drive-in theatre. I found a bunch of small toy cars, and arranged them as though they were viewing the picture. But what to put on the screen? I had no way to drive it electrically, so I decided to “scribble” on it with a laser pointer. I’ve got no idea what those little guys are watching on the screen, but it sure seems like gibberish!
I made this image with my Canon 7D and Canon 24-105/4L lens. I worked the image Photoshop CS4E, using Nik Viveza and Nik Color Efex Pro’s Color Process filter.
The weather has gotten nicer in the midwest, with highs in the 50s, and lows in the 40s. What does that mean? Spring? Nope. It means it’s time to take the doors off the Jeep!
I made this photo with my Canon G10, and finished it up in Lightroom 2.
I picked up these baoding balls in San Francisco several years ago. The cloisonné finish has always intrigued me, shimmering the way it does. They also chime when you roll them around in your hand, which is pretty dang pleasant.
I made this image with my Canon 7D and Canon 100/2.8 macro lens, putting on some finishing touches in Lightroom 2.
Today, I spent the day working in the room we affectionately call The Dungeon. This has been a storage area and general junk collection point for the house. With me shooting more macro work though, I started realizing that I needed a little studio for in-house work. A lot of cleaning up later, and a little bit of reconfiguration, and I have the beginnings of a little studio.
As I cleaned up, I found an old picture frame that had a really cool spiderweb in one of the valleys of the wood. I thought it would made a great HDR shot, so I set it up, and starting firing. This image is made up of seven shots, from three stops under to three stops over the middle of the road. I made the images with my Canon 7D and Canon 100/2.8 macro lens. I brought the RAW images into Photomatix and combined them to make the image you see.
With spring training underway, and having watched my first Cardinals game of the season today, I thought turning my attention to one of my bats was appropriate. This bat was one of the two I had customized during our visit to the Louisville Slugger factory and museum last year.
I made this image with my Canon 7D and Canon 24-105/4L, finishing it in Photoshop CS4E and Nik Viveza.